Lean Six Sigma
At DECC you will learn how to develop a sustainable management system. We support organizations to be more productive, through the identification and reduction of their non-quality costs and making their processes more efficient, to ensure sustainability and the innovation process.
Six Sigma: Implemented for the first time in the 1980s at Motorala and popularized by GE in the 1990s, it is a fundamental basis for achieving optimum quality in any manufacturing process.
Objective: Understand the use of advanced statistics within the Six Sigma DMAIC cycle to achieve processes that generate only 3.4 defects per million opportunities, as well as the relationship of Six Sigma within the PMS model.
What includes?
Accounts Payable Management
Treasury administration
Cash Flow Management
Financial analysis
Consultant in Investment strategies
budget classifiers
How to invest in the stock market
corporate finance
Finance for Non-Financial
Induction to the stock market
Federal budget and fiscal responsibility law and its regulations
Personal Services Budget
government budget
Financial planning
Financial Risk Management